After the student early dismissal on September 20th, CASD teachers participated in a safe schools training. Joe Carl, Catasauqua Coordinator of Emergency Management presented "Until Help Arrives," a training which highlighted 5 essential life-saving actions that teachers can take in emergency situations. Following this presentation, Maria Wescoe, Northampton Regional EMS Director of Operations, and a team of paramedics modeled how to stop bleeding, perform hands-only CPR, and properly utilize the Automated External Defibrillator (AED). All teachers then had the opportunity to practice hands-only CPR and use the AED on the manikins while the paramedics provided additional support and feedback with regard to appropriate techniques/best practices.
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PDE Standards Aligned System
Educational research supports the belief that clear standards, fair assessments, a curriculum framework, standards aligned instruction, supportive materials and resources, and research based interventions contribute to increased student achievement.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education Standards Aligned Systems information guides Catasauqua Area School District curriculum review and development activities. For more information about Standards Aligned Systems and the six components that contribute to increased student achievement, please click on the link below.