English Language Instructional Program (ELIP)

  • Ms. Melissa Inselmann
    English Language Instructional Program (ELIP) Supervisor
    Phone: 610-264-5571
    Email: inselmannm@cattysd.org

    Mrs. ElizaRae Michaud, English as a Second Language Teacher (Grades K-6)
    Sheckler Phone: 610-264-5601
    CMS Phone: 610-264-4341
    Email: michaude@cattysd.org

    Ms. Corinne Ramunni, English as a Second Language Teacher (Grades 7-12)  
    CMS Phone: 610-264-4341
    CHS Phone: 610-697-0111
    Email: ramunnic@cattysd.org

    Catasauqua English Language Instructional Program Overview

    In accordance with Pennsylvania State Code, Catasauqua Area School District provides a program for every English learner (EL) student. The English Language Instructional Program (ELIP) Program includes:

    • Standards-based English as a second language instruction at the appropriate proficiency level
    • Content area instruction aligned with the corresponding standards and adapted to meet the needs of the students
    • Assessment processes that reflect the academic standards and instruction

    Helpful Links:
    PA English Language Development Standards

    Standards Aligned Systems - English Language Learner Overlay

    PA Department of Education ELD Resources

    Pennsylvania EL Portal

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