English Language Instructional Program (ELIP)
Ms. Melissa Inselmann
English Language Instructional Program (ELIP) Supervisor
Phone: 610-264-5571
Email: inselmannm@cattysd.orgMrs. ElizaRae Michaud, English as a Second Language Teacher (Grades K-6)
Sheckler Phone: 610-264-5601
CMS Phone: 610-264-4341
Email: michaude@cattysd.orgMs. Corinne Ramunni, English as a Second Language Teacher (Grades 7-12)
CMS Phone: 610-264-4341
CHS Phone: 610-697-0111
Email: ramunnic@cattysd.orgCatasauqua English Language Instructional Program Overview
In accordance with Pennsylvania State Code, Catasauqua Area School District provides a program for every English learner (EL) student. The English Language Instructional Program (ELIP) Program includes:-
Standards-based English as a second language instruction at the appropriate proficiency level
Content area instruction aligned with the corresponding standards and adapted to meet the needs of the students
Assessment processes that reflect the academic standards and instruction
Helpful Links:
PA English Language Development StandardsStandards Aligned Systems - English Language Learner Overlay
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