CASD School Health Council

  • CASD School Health Council (SHC)?

    What is a SHC?

    • A building/district level group of school and possibly community individuals charged with the mission of creating a healthy school community

    What is the role of the SHC?

    • Create healthy school communities K-12
    • Plan, implement, and evaluate policies and practices and curriculum to address student health and academic success
    • Align with the school/district strategic plan and/or school/district improvement plan

    SHC Actions:

    • Review policies (Wellness Policy) and curriculum related to student health
    • Review school district data (School Health Inventory) related to student health to identify areas of concern
    • Develop an action plan with goals, objectives, strategies, evaluation and resources
    • Communicate policies (Wellness Policy)
    • Communicate action plan goals and outcomes with school community