Mrs. Dana Flynn's Speech and Language Webpage
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of Speech/Language Support students,
Welcome to the Catasauqua Area School District (CASD) Speech/Language Support Program (2021-2022)!
The CASD Speech/Language Support Program provides support for students with a variety of Speech/Language delays, disorders, and communication skills weaknesses.
CASD has two Speech/Language Support Teachers: Mrs. Krista George-Martell Mrs. Dana Flynn
Both teachers provide Speech/Language services to students at CASD's three schools: Sheckler Elementary (SES) Catasauqua Middle School (CMS) Catasauqua High School (CHS)
*Please note: Speech students may have the opportunity to work with one or both teachers depending on: the building they are in, scheduling, and teacher caseload.
At times, it may be necessary for students to "switch" Speech/Language Support Teachers due to these factors. We look forward to working with your child(ren) and making this a great 2021-2022 school year:) Thank you:)
**If your child has not joined our Speech/Language Support Google Classroom yet, PLEASE follow the directions below to join.
Click on the link below for Google Classroom (you will need your child’s google email address and password):
Student Google addresses are as follows:
- last name
- first 3 letters of first name
- example: James Smith =
Passwords are the student's ID number from PowerSchool (a 5 digit number).
Speech/Language Support Google Classroom class code:
Please be patient with yourselves and us as we navigate through this new journey together. We can accomplish anything with a little practice.
Please contact me via email, via our Google Classroom, or via Google Voice phone number with any questions.
Mrs. Dana Flynn
Google Voice number: 1-856-533-0530 (CALL and/or TEXT)
District Continuity of Education Plan: