• Planned Course of Study Writing 



    •  Clear Standards – PA Academic Standards and Assessment Anchors (see related links)
      • click the "Standards" tab at the top of the page
      • click the "Download Standards" button
      • you will see the PA Core Standards on the landing page - ELA, Reading/Writing, and Math
      • click "PA Academic Standards" on the left side of the page to access the standards in other content areas - science, social studies, arts & humanities, etc.



    *Use this planned Course of Study Google Doc and name it COURSE NAME - TEACHER NAME

    Example: CHS Environmental Science - Oswald

    **Important - Share the course of study document with Melissa**


    Planned Course of Study Writing Procedure:

    • PHASE 1: Complete pg. 1 - Course Description, Essential Questions, and Course Competencies of the Planned Course of Study Document. Copy and paste the Essential Questions and Course Competencies from the SAS website. Send to Melissa for review and approval prior to beginning work on pg. 2 (Course Syllabus). Note: If you do not see essential questions/competencies aligned to the content of your course, modify the SAS info. or create your own to meet your course needs.


    • PHASE 2: After you have completed and submitted Phase 1, complete pg. 2 (Course Syllabus and Teaching Strategies Utilized). Incorporate the grade level concepts from the SAS website in the course content portion of the course syllabus. Send to Melissa for review and approval prior to beginning work on the remainder of the document.


    • PHASE 3: After you have completed and submitted Phase 2, complete the remaining pages of the document. Grade level concepts and competencies should be incorporated into/tied to the objectives, activities, and forms of assessment in the remainder of the planned course of study document. Use the levels of achievement document for a description of the levels of achievement. When complete, send to Melissa for review.


    • Keep in mind Webb’s DoK levels as you write your objectives, identify activities, and include forms of assessment. 


    • When listing Interdisciplinary Relationships – be sure to list the other content areas followed by a brief description of the interdisciplinary connection(s).



    • Consider the Career Education & Work Standards. How will you utilize career awareness resources, etc., to address the Career Education and Work Standards and Employability Skills within your content area curriculum? Be sure to include this information in the appropriate section within your planned course of study.



    Full Year/1.0 Credit Course - 18 hours

    Semester/0.5 Credit Course - 9 hours

    Melissa Inselmann will work with you to determine compensation options - trade day credit, flex day credit, and monetary compensation at the contractual rate.