Volunteer Information and Requirements

  • **Please be sure to read Policy 139. (below)

    **Effective July 25, 2015, volunteer clearance fees are waived.  Be sure to select volunteering when applying online.

    **Use the volunteer checklist located below in related files to complete the volunteer paperwork process.

    **Clearances are good for 5 years as long as you volunteer at least one time per school year. 

    **Act 126, Mandated Reporter Training is good for 5 years.

    IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE VOLUNTEER TO BE SURE CLEARANCES ARE UP TO DATE.  You will not receive notification from the school.

    District Policy and Procedures

    Catasauqua Area School District, Policy 139: Volunteer Clearances; https://www.cattysd.org/cms/lib/PA02217706/Centricity/Domain/15/139.pdf


    • FBI Federal Criminal History Record (Act 114):  If you have not lived in PA for 10 years you will need this clearance.  Visit www.uenroll.identogo.com for information and locations of fingerprint  sites. Code 1KG6Y3


    Please direct any questions to the District Administration Office, 610-264-5571

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