CASD Assessment Plan
CASD Assessment Plan
The Catasauqua Area School District has developed a comprehensive assessment plan that is aligned to Pennsylvania Core Standards, Assessment Anchors, and local curriculum. The Math, English/Language Arts, and Science PSSAs and Keystone Exams provide CASD with a wealth of information related to student achievement with respect to the standards and anchors; however, additional assessments are required to provide administrators, teachers, students, and parents with more frequent information related to student progress toward grade level expectations. The district periodically administers the Imagine Learning Literacy (Grades K-4), Freckle Math (Gr. K-2), Imagine Math (Gr. 3 & 4), ExactPath Math & ELA (Gr. 5-8), and CDTs (Gr. 3-11) during the year to provide diagnostic assessment data that is aligned to the standards and anchors. Additionally, the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) benchmark assessments are administered in the fall, winter and spring in grades K-4. The ongoing student achievement data provided by these benchmark assessments is extremely helpful in identifying students' strengths and weaknesses prior to the state assessments. Teachers utilize data from all assessment sources to modify classroom instruction and target students' skill deficiencies.
The Future Ready PA Index is a collection of school progress measures related to school and student success. The Index includes a range of assessment, on-track, and readiness indicators, to more accurately report student learning, growth, and success in the classroom and beyond.
Efforts to mitigate the Covid-19 pandemic have impacted the availability of some data.
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